Fractional CISO2024-08-06T20:12:08-07:00

Fractional CISO

Empower Your Business with Strategic Cybersecurity Leadership

Empowering Your Business with Strategic Cybersecurity Leadership

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Fractional CISO?2024-08-06T18:46:27-07:00

A Fractional CISO is a part-time security executive who provides the same expertise and strategic oversight as a full-time CISO, but tailored to the scale and needs of smaller organizations or those not requiring full-time support.

The Benefits of Hiring a Fractional CISO2024-08-06T18:59:54-07:00
  • Value to Your Organization: Enhances your cybersecurity strategy without the full-time executive cost.
  • Cost Advantages: More economical, reducing payroll and related expenses.
  • Industry Best Practices: Brings fresh perspectives and the latest security practices to your team.
How is a Fractional CISO Integrated into Our Team?2024-08-06T18:58:45-07:00
  • Onboarding Process: Customized integration plans that align with your existing business and security frameworks.
  • Collaboration: Works closely with IT and security teams to fortify defenses and strategies.
  • System Access: Secured and controlled access to necessary systems for effective management
Handling Security Incidents2024-08-06T19:03:22-07:00
  • Incident Response: Immediate and effective actions to manage and mitigate security incidents.
  • Communication: Maintains clear lines of communication throughout the incident resolution process.
Compliance Support2024-08-06T19:06:26-07:00
  • Regulatory Assistance: Helps ensure compliance with laws like GDPR and HIPAA.
  • Staying Updated: Continuously monitors evolving cybersecurity regulations to keep your practices compliant.
Cost Structure2024-08-06T19:45:28-07:00
  • Billing Models: Flexible billing options, including monthly retainers.
  • Additional Costs: Transparent about any costs related to extraordinary projects or incident responses.
Transitioning to a Full-Time CISO2024-08-06T19:53:57-07:00
  • Transition Assistance: Supports in the hiring and training of a full-time CISO.
  • Offboarding: Streamlined process to ensure a smooth transition without loss of knowledge or security integrity.